Christian Heritage London gives guided walks and tours through London's Church History. Find out more

International Tours

When people talk about how the gospel can change the world they start talking about what God has done in London.

International Tours

When people talk about how the gospel can change the world they start talking about what God has done in London.

International Tours

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not advice, instructions or a philosophy, it's an announcement. It's the news that the living God has come, has lived with people in their sadness, weakness and rebellion and that he has come here so that he can save.

This is a historical fact. That historical event happened in a physical place and the event has changed the world.

Christian Heritage London gives tours through the places where Jesus Christ walked, where the Bible was written, where church history happened, where the Reformation broke out, where revivals changed nations in Israel, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, France, Ireland and Britain.

These tours are given to groups and are arranged on a bespoke basis. Get in touch to make enquiries and to arrange bookings.

C. S. Lewis Tour

Discovering Italy

European Odyssey

Holy Land Tour

The Journeys of Paul

London, Cambridge and Paris

London, Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh

Reformation Tour

World Wars I and II

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.

Hebrews 13:7